The display graphics libraries... Do any allow "flip" between screen buffers?

Hmm. When you suggest that I could do a draw of the entire screen in one go quite fast -- what would the method be to do that full screen one-time draw? I'm likely not as advanced a programmer as you.

you see, I was imagining that I would do standard Adafruit GFX commands (placing graphics with the normal calls like circle, line, rectangle, and text)... to a hidden page, then do the flip command, and then draw the next round of changes onto the hidden buffer again, flip again, etc. The GFX commands themselves don't render very fast at all, which is what makes me hope for this flipping method.

But it sounds like you suggest a method where I would be able to work with a chunk of memory that's not on the screen, and then spit it all onto the screen in one fast way. Which in a way would be basically similar to this flipping method that I find in libraries.
