Create servo movements for a robot with a live web controller

Tutorial video shows how to record a robotic movement live and how to export it to an Arduino device.

The live recorder is here

We released a movement (supports simultaneous movements for multiple servos) live recording and export support for Arduino and compatible controller boards.

We have created a web interface that allows to record multiple servo movements and upload the movement to an Arduino board. The movement can also be used with a Raspberry Pi and configured to different kind of servos and actuators.

If you are planning complex sequences for multiple servos for example quadruped movement, this is very useful. Or if you are planning and testing your device from ground up. The service is currently in beta and will continue to grow with more features.

Buenos días, te hablo desde Huelva, España, Primero felicitarte por el gran trabajo que has echo, eres un genio.
Me preguntaba si me podrías echar una mano, con un proyecto que estoy haciendo, un Droide de asalto B1, de Star Wars, con 23 servos, y la verdad me resulta muy complicado la programación de tantos servos. Si tienes tiempo y me quieres ayudar, te lo agradecería enormemente, hay una barrera importante como es el idioma, espero estar a la altura.
Gracias de antemano y felicidades por tu proyecto.


Hi I used
Good morning, you speak from Huelva, Spain, first to congratulate you for the great work you've done, you're a genius.I was wondering if I could lend a hand with a project I'm doing, an assault droid B1, Star Wars, with 23 servos, and the truth is I very complicated programming of as many servos.If you have time and I want to help, I'd appreciate it greatly, there is a major barrier as it is the language, I hope to live up to.Thanks in advance and congratulations for your project.

Thank you of course I can help. Here you can use a maximum of 12 X and Y controllers combined together. But with 23 servos I think it could be better to record many of the sequences and then combine the exported files together.

The problem with this could be the size of the movements, here is some help if you have problem with the size of the Arduino memory.

But please ask if you need any help.

Thank you for your response, I have seen your website and it is a pass, I am reading about the PCA9685 driver, I hope to wire it soon and monerme with the configuration of the servos, I can send photos to the mail ?, To give you an idea of ​​how I have the project.
a greeting