Using touch on 2.8 inch ILI9341 LCD with ESP32

My unconditional apologies David.

  1. Paste your "User_Setup.h" <DT: Attached>
  2. Post a schematic or photo of your actual wiring. <DT: Attached. Didn't have the LCD footprint, so quickly made it up with just images>
  3. Quote which library example you are using. <DT: I'm using TFT_eSPI library v1.4.11>
  4. Explain your problem i.e. what you expected. what you actually got. <DT: I intend to use the LCD along with the touch pad for my project. As explained, I got the LCD to work, but I can't get the Touch to work yet, and hence my query/post here>

User_Setup.h (12.9 KB)