[Q]: Tailoring the Due to Eclipse..


I found the solution to upload your programs with Eclipse.
The Arduino IDE uses Bossa Due flash programming for ARM BOSSA | shumatech.com

How to configure Eclipse:

#8. Aduino Due program loader settings:

  • In Eclipse, on the menu “Run/External Tools/External Tools Configurations…”
  • In the dialog box select on the “Program” item in the tree area, and click on the “New launch configuration” icon.
  • In the “Name” field, type “Arduino Due”.
  • In the “Main” tab, in the “Location” field, type the path: “C:\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\tools\bossac.exe”.
  • In the “Arguments” field, type : “--port=COM3 -U false -e -w -v -b ${project_path}\Release${project_name}.hex -R”
  • Warning, the port argument value is “COM3” change this value if your board is connected on another Com Port.
  • In the “Common” tab, enable the checkbox “External Tools”, and click on the “Apply” button.

#9. Upload program to the Arduino Due board:

#10. Connect the terminal to the Arduino Due board:

  • Modify your main.cpp file :
#include "Arduino.h"

usb_serial_class Serial;

int main(void) {


#if defined(USBCON)

	pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

	for (;;) {
		digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
		Serial.println("Hello World");
		digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  • Compile and upload this program.
  • To open the terminal view, click on the menu “Window/Show View/Other…”.
  • In the “Show View” dialog box, in the tree area, select “Terminal/Terminal” and click on the “OK” button.
  • In the Terminal view, click on the “Settings” icon to open the “Terminal Settings” dialog box.
  • Type “Arduino Due” on the “View Title”, select “Serial” “Connection Type” select box, select the “Port”, select the “Baud Rate” to 38400 and click on the “OK” button.
  • Click on the “Connect” button, the “Hello Word” message appears every second.

Good Luck !