Thrust vectoring / Stepper motor 10 pin bus connector

The attitude indicator expects commands like this:

Commands from control PC
' Message layout:
' Byte 1: Flag byte:&h00
' Byte 2: Address: 1-255; (Adress 0 excluded)
' Byte 3: Command: CCCC.1SHL (CCCC=Command 1-15, S= Signbit, H & L are databits)
' The integer is unsigned 16 bits.
' Byte 4: Data Low; &h00-&hFF; bit0 always 1 : XXXX.XXX1 -> XXXX.XXXL
' Byte 5: Data Hight:&h00-&hFF: bit1 always 1 : XXXX.XX1X -> XXXX.XXHX
' Byte 6: LPC Check byte or &hFF ' Commands:
' 0= noop
' 1= Initialize
' 2= Set Instrument Address; Value 0-&hff,second byte:&HAA
' 3= Set Instrument speed: If positive: Bank; If negative: Pitch
' 4= Set Bank position (0-4319)
' 5= Set Pitch position (0-1200)
' 6= not used
' 7= Send info about instrument; Reply &h00, Address, Type, Model, Version
' 8= Switch lights: Low byte= DL00.0000; D=display on/off, L=light on/off
' 9= Set Instrument Model &Version, Low Byte=Model, High Byte=Version
' 10= Move bank directly; used for calibration
' 11= Move pitch directly; used for calibration
' 12= Set calibration values for pitch and bank centers
' 13= Clear calibration values for pitch and bank
' 14= Set/Reset testmode: 0=off, 1=on, turn right, 2=on, turnleft

In my application, I will only need 4 & 5 (pitch and bank)
