How to power an LED stripe and the Arduino Nano with the same power source

Anyway, here's my attempt at a schematic.

Fantastic, that is 1000% better. :slight_smile:

I'm actually a bit appalled by the language in this forum. I thought the Arduino project was about learning electronics and not bashing newbies.

It is and look what you have learned, it's great. You are now in a position to communicate your ideas to others and ask for help when you need it.

I included a Fritzing bread board because that is what I saw in the tutorials.

That is the problem with a lot of tutorials you see. People think they are being kind showing physical layout diagrams where in fact they just retard the learning process. We have people coming on here and saying "I have done all the tutorials but I don't think I have learned anything". And they havn't, they have just gone through the motions of plugging this wire here and that wire there without understanding the circuit they are making.
You are well on your way now, that looks fine.

For something you build into a toy you need to make it on strip board. Get some pin strips and sockets and solder it up.