Help with mouse input and output?

There's no real documentation, but a quick look at the code suggests it emulates a mouse using 9 input pins. I don't think it does autofire (I didn't dive too deep into the code). I don't even know for sure this will work on the Due, it will certainly require changes, the pin definitions are weird for a start :slight_smile:
It was designed to run on this:

Okay thanks.

I made this code which I thought would work if I had a on the Go adaptor or a USB HOST SHIELD with my Due. In my logic it works, well I am at least pretty sure that at least the mouse button press and release works but idk about the move. If it doesn't work could you explain why because I don't understand what this class does otherwise.

// Require mouse control library
#include <MouseController.h>

// Initialize USB Controller
USBHost usb;

// Attach mouse controller to USB
MouseController mouse(usb);

// variables for mouse button states
boolean leftButton = false;
boolean middleButton = false;
boolean rightButton = false;
int MouseX;
int MouseY;
int MouseXD;
int MouseYD;

// This function intercepts mouse movements
void mouseMoved() {

MouseX = mouse.getXChange();

MouseY = mouse.getYChange();
Mouse.move(MouseX, MouseY, wheel);


// This function intercepts mouse movements while a button is pressed
void mouseDragged() {

MouseXD = mouse.getXChange();

MouseYD = mouse.getYChange();
Mouse.move(MouseXD, MouseYD, wheel);


// This function intercepts mouse button press
void mousePressed() {

while (mouse.getButton(LEFT_BUTTON)){
// autoclicker while loop
if (mouse.getButton(MIDDLE_BUTTON)){
middleButton = true;
if (mouse.getButton(RIGHT_BUTTON)){
rightButton = true;

// This function intercepts mouse button release
void mouseReleased() {

if (!mouse.getButton(LEFT_BUTTON) && left==true) {
leftButton = false;
if (!mouse.getButton(MIDDLE_BUTTON) && middle==true) {
middleButton = false;
if (!mouse.getButton(RIGHT_BUTTON) && right==true) {
rightButton = false;


void setup()
Serial.println("Program started");

void loop()
// Process USB tasks