Comunicating ADC+ Arduino DUE with the protocol 1-wire

Algorithm of the program:

1- Received datas from PC. PC send to Arduino AUTOMATIC MODE ("0" or "1") and too the strings like "$ADQ,P01,CH01" (Arduino will send to microcontrollers the strings from PC ("$ADQ,P01,CH1") if the automatic mode is "0". If the automatic mode is "1! Arduino send these strings automatically.

2- Arduino receiven datas from microcontrollers (datas like "$DAT,P01,CH2,n" where n is the ADC conversion (0 to 1024) by different serial port (serial port 1)

3- Arduino rentrasmit the microcontrollers' strings (strings like "$DAT,P01,CH2,n") to PC by serial port (serial port 0).