Don't Format SD cards with OS utilities!


Your performance problem is not related to format. Single byte read is very slow and SD access has almost nothing to do with read speed. I am not sure why you see a slight difference in read speed, single byte read should be almost independent of the SD or format.

What version of SD.h are you using that accepts "eight.three" as a file name?

You need to read multiple byte into a buffer. You should be able to get a large increase in read speed, at least a factor of ten.

Look at the bench.ino example in SdFat. It can read at up to 400 KB/sec on an Uno.


I ran your example with a correctly formatted SD using SdFat and it printed 76140. Not sure why you get such a long time for single byte read.

I ran bench.ino with a 64 byte buffer and got the following

File size 1 MB
Buffer size 64 bytes
Starting write test, please wait.

write speed and latency

Starting read test, please wait.

read speed and latency