mega2560 problem

Greeatings .

I make my own board with mega2560 16u mcu .
I use 16mhz crstal.
My power suplly is 3.3v .

I have now problem.
I can upload program to my mega 2560 but this program dont work.
I upload blink example on pin 51 but that dont work.
Have anyone to know what is problem is problem power supply or crystaL?

If you can upload but not blink, it probably means that your pin mapping is not what you think it is.
Ie "pin 51" in arduino is not the same as "pin 51" on the chip.

If you can upload but not blink, it probably means that your pin mapping is not what you think it is.
Ie "pin 51" in arduino is not the same as "pin 51" on the chip.

on this link is my diagram for my circuit i use isp for programing my board and i use mosi pin for blink

When i meassuring voltage on pin i have 0.5 V

Well, if you're using ISP for programming, I guess not as much has to be working, compared to a successful serial upload through a bootloader.

What are you using for fuses?

To my knowledge, you can't run 16MHz at 3.3V.

Check chapter 31.2 of the datasheet.

To my knowledge, you can't run 16MHz at 3.3V.

Check chapter 31.2 of the datasheet.

I try wtih 5V but same problem ,
My MCU work one time and stop .
Have you idea why ???