Dividing by 1023 or 1024? The final verdict on analogRead

What would happen if a series if statements was written to do the conversion from A to D.

If (0 <= Vin < 2.441) then output = 0
If (2.441 <= Vin < 7.323) then output = 1
If (4997.559 <= Vin < 5) then output =1023

There are 1024 possible values.

But does 5/1023 or 5/1024 result in the same list of values the if statements would need?

I am using thresholds of 5/1024 in the if statements, only because I have not refreshed my memory on the internals of ADCs to know what the actual (correct?) threshold is.

For someone with the right equipment and environment (I used to have access at a previous job but don't now or in my basement), should be able to ramp the microvolt input into the ADC and see when it changes over. Is it at 1/2 of 4.88768 or at 1/2 of 4.88281?