Speech Recognition with BitVoicer and Arduino

Hello, I need your help. Could help me please?

I have trying programmer arduino with Bit Voicer for to use with servo motor. I don't know why is wrog.

Please, help me?

#include <BitVoicer11.h>

BitVoicerSerial bvSerial = BitVoicerSerial();

//Stores the data type retrieved by getData()
byte dataType = 4;
//Stores the state of pin 4
int pinVal = 4;

void setup () {
//Sets digital pin 4 as OUTPUT
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
//Turns off pin 4
digitalWrite(4, pinVal);


void loop()


//This function runs every time serial data is available
//in the serial buffer after a loop
void serialEvent()
//Reads the serial buffer and stores the received data type
dataType = bvSerial.getData();

if (dataType == BV_STR)
if (bvSerial.strData == "Ligar")
digitalWrite (pinVal, 180 );

