Training and testing for new users.

  1. Identify what these components are and what function they serve:
    Designation Component Name What is its Function
    R17 LDR Light causes a resistance change (detects light intensity)
    R19 Resistor Input pull down resistor
    R16 Resistor LED current limiting resistor
    R14 Resistor Limits the pin D2 current while the gate capacitance charges
    D10 Diode Kickback protection for the MOS FET
    D9 LED Used as an indicator light
    K1 Relay Provides isolation from the drive cct. Mechanical contacts. . .
    Q4 N-MOS FET Provides drive current path to energize the realy
  2. After this line of code executes, digitalWrite( 3 , HIGH ); will D8 be on or off? OFF
  3. Do you have to send a HIGH or a LOW to pin D4 to turn on D9? HIGH
  4. analogWrite(3 , 127); works, but analogWrite(4 , 127); doesn’t work. Why is this? Pin 4 is not for PWM.
  5. What must the voltage rating of K1 be? 12V
  6. If R17 is 20K what is the voltage at A0 on the UNO? Rt = 30K therefore, 5V/3 = ~1.67V
  7. If Q4 is turned on, what is the resistance between pin 1 and 3 of K1? Zero ohms