Accelerometer ADXL335 output meaning problem

Dear there,
I am using ADXL335 for acceleration. I took the code from the

The output shows x=343, y=339, z=312.
What are those values? How can I calculate acceleration as m/s2 from those value?

Thanks for your time.

Have you looked at the ADXL335 data sheet, where the output is explained?

You might also take a look at the code you downloaded, which has some interesting lines in it, like this one:

 x_g_value = ( ( ( (double)(x_adc_value * 5)/1024) - 1.65 ) / 0.330 ); /* Acceleration in x-direction in g units */

I do not understand from those code. I think their code is okay. I just I want to know if I want to get acceleration value m/s2 what should I do.

Hint: 1 "g" = 9.8 m/s2

Additional hint: if the code gives you "g" values, the first hint suggests that you multiply those by 9.8.

I do not understand from those code. I think their code is okay. I just I want to know if I want to get acceleration value m/s2 what should I do.


  float x_accel = 9.8 * x_g_value ; // similar for y and z...