MS5541 depth sensor communication

Dear godo, dear buton,

I also play with a similar sensor, the MS5535 which I intend to use for a basic underwater mini observatory and your work was of great help for me! I am using a arduino adk board and my plan was to use a Andrid phone to store and transfer the data. However, it seems as if the USB host of this board conflicts with SPI ... I assume this is a similar case like the SD card pin conflict. In an earlier post godo proposed to

put a 74HC125 or so into the DOUT

. This might also be the solution for my problem however I have no idea how to assemble that, it would be very nice if you could post an image or similar of the circuit?
Godo also mentioned he was playing with another sensor, the MS5803, do you know a reseller of that product?

best regards,