5 DOF robotic arm

Hi ! I'm 13 years old and I tried to make a 5 DOF robotic arm . If anyone has a code please send it to me.

Thank you !

Let me get this straight - you've made a 5DOF robotic arm, and now you want us to either give you some found code, or write some for you?

Here's a hint: Write it yourself.

Then - if you are having problems writing is, post what you have, and then maybe we can help you.

As it stands, you'll likely get nothing more than sarcasm as best for replies.

Finally - you haven't posted any pictures of this robot arm, nor have you shown how it is connected to an Arduino (or even -which- Arduino or what), nor a schematic of anything, nor a plan. Heck, you haven't even told us what kind of motor driver system you are using (gearmotors? steppers? servos? hydraulic actuators? pneumatic actuators? nitinol wire? some combo of any/all of the above?).

Honestly, though - it's your project - finish it - write your code, and again, if you can't get anything to work, or it isn't working out as you planned, show us what you have, give us more info (ie - everything I mentioned above), and maybe we can help you.

Pleas or demands for code, though, will likely fall on deaf ears - especially when we don't even know what we are working with.

Finally - you must realize that robotics is a multi-discipline field that in reality touches upon and depends on many major research areas and aspects of computer science, engineering, and mechanics. Having a solid understanding within all of these areas is crucial to success. Building that understanding (especially at your early age) will only lead to greater things down the line (you have no idea how great) - provided you are willing to put the work into it. I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so.

I always chuckle when folk ask for "a code" singular as distinct from "code" the collective, as if all it takes is to type in a sort of password and Voila! the machine will leap into action.

I always chuckle when folk ask for "a code" singular as distinct from "code" the collective, as if all it takes is to type in a sort of password and Voila! the machine will leap into action.

"Computer: Move this arm for me!"

[series of bleeps and bloops, plus some blinking lights]


Hello Computer !

Hi cr0sh !

Thanks for your information and your idea , I really appreciate that. Yes you're correct let me write my own code and I'll try to control it. Here i used mg995 servo motors and a ARDUINO uno R3 board.see below attachments about my 5 DOF robotic arm. If I meet any problem I'll send it to you.

I didn't fix the gripper because I didn't recieved the gripper.

Here i used mg995 servo motors and a ARDUINO uno R3 board.see below attachments about my 5 DOF robotic arm.

If it's just servos, it should be dead simple to control - at least for basic positioning. Forward and inverse kinematics are a different story - but plenty of information is available on the internet to help.

If I meet any problem I'll send it to you.

No, you won't - because it will be met with no response. Instead, post your questions to this thread you started.

I would start with the "sweep" sketch for servos, as well as maybe the "knob" sketch. There are plenty of examples out there on how to control multiple servos at one time - you shouldn't have much problems implementing something.

if you want build an robot arm, see the french revue "micro et robots" issue 2 (1983) in french. this revue show how make rebot and intercafe it with a computer...
mayby an equivanent in english?


There's some six pot/servo code in this thread.

If you're going to manually control the arm with joysticks or pots, you could use the code attached here.

I added a bunch of comments to the code indicating what the various constants control and how to modify the code to use a different number of servos.

I think accelerating and decelerating the servo motion produces much smoother motion than moving the servos at full speed. There are links to a couple videos in post #23 of the last linked thread.

One of the parameters to set is whether or not to use the joystick for speed control rather than position control. This is useful if you want the servo to hold a position other than the center position when the joystick is released.

I generally think writing the code is the most difficult part of a robot project but project using lots of servos also have demanding hardware considerations. People often underestimate the amount of power they will need to control servos. You can get an idea of the power needs from the earlier robot arm thread I linked to.

Make sure and check out gyrojeremy's videos he shared at the end of the thread. I thought his arm turned out really nice.

Servo/pot code posted by somebody that appears to be simple and straight forward.

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo1;
Servo servo2;
Servo servo3;
Servo servo4;
Servo servo5;
Servo servo6;

int DefPos1, DefPos2;

int potpin1 = 0;
int potpin2 = 1;
int potpin3 = 2;
int potpin4 = 3;
int potpin5 = 4;
int potpin6 = 5;

int val1;
int val2;
int val3;
int val4;
int val5;
int val6;

void setup() {

 servo1.write(130); // Place default positions

void loop() {

 val1 = analogRead(potpin1);
 val1 = map(val1, 80, 1024, 0, 180);

 val2 = analogRead(potpin2);
 val2 = map(val2, 20, 1024, 0, 150);

 val3 = analogRead(potpin3);
 val3 = map(val3, 20, 1024, 0, 120);

 val4 = analogRead(potpin4);
 val4 = map(val4, 20, 1024, 0, 90);

 val5 = analogRead(potpin5);
 val5 = map(val5, 10, 1024, 0, 170);

 val6 = analogRead(potpin6);
 val6 = map(val6, 50, 1024, 0, 120);


This 5 dof robotic arm full project and code. this control system arduino based and hand movement controlled.

Project page : http://www.robimek.com/el-hareketleriyle-kontol-edilen-robot-kol/

hello i need inverse kinematics code for arduino to control 5 servo motors.
also i have a doubt that can i give 5 volts supply to all my motors from arduino directly?
for shoulder motor i need more than 5 volts to attain the calculated torque, so i need to do to get more than 5 volts for a particular motor alone.
thank you.

i have a doubt that can i give 5 volts supply to all my motors from arduino directly?

You mustn't supply the power to even one servo like that.