Control individual Relay using 4x4 Keypad with 16x2 LCD Display

I am going to design a 4x4 Keypad control Lighting System using 16X2 LCD Display. Looking for Code in which Master Pin is required to activate the system to control the relays with respective Keypad numbers (Display on LCD).

If anyone have any ideas then suggest wiring and code based on arduino.


  1. Arduino Uno
  2. 5V DC 8 CH Relay Module
  3. 16X2 LCD Display
  4. 4x4 Keypad Matrix

Kindly suggest and share your ideas

You have 8 relays which could be marked as RL0 - RL7. Do you want to make RL0 ON when the 0-button of Keypad is pressed for the first time and to make it OFF when the same button is pressed next time? And the similar for other relays?

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