PWM frequency library

Wonderful library!! Very much needed!
I'm curious as to whether there is any way it can be used to control PWM frequency of two pins independently. From what I've discovered, I'm only able to successfully initialize frequency when it's using pin 9 or 10 (assuming you used timer 1). Would it be possible to use your library to have one PWM pin set to, say, 600Hz, and another pin set to 700Hz?
Thanks again!

As an edit: I played around with this a bit more and found something curious. Timer2 is tied to pins 3 and 11, while Timer1 is tied to pins 9 and 10 on my Uno. So, I tried making pin 11 600Hz and pin 10 700Hz with the library. Pin 10 initialized just fine, but pin 11 would not give me a true return (SetPinFrequencySafe). Switched to pin 3 instead of 11 and it worked like a charm. Anybody know what gives?

Also, is there an easy way to directly measure the number of pulses that occur between calling pwmWrite and stopping it? Obviously I could do math with the elapsed time and frequency, but getting some empirical data would be just that much better.