What is your go-to PCB layout/designer? Why?

For the absolute deeply ignorant beginner it's easier then Eagle or KiCad.
I tried Eagle and had to watch some Youtube videos to get me started as I couldn't figure it by myself, but then I was able to draw some schematics and pcbs. Nothing to be produced of course, just playing.
Then I tried KiCad and found it more difficult than Eagle, I got quite confused with the need to pass info between the schematic draw and pcb, it felt that it is designed to follow a professional work flow that someone totally out of the industry find quite confusing.

Then I tried easyeda. I still have a lot of problems finding the wanted part and package and sometimes I end up with a package that have some errors, something related to the pin numbers or identification, sometimes I'm able to correct that sometimes not, and I have to choose another component.
But in the end is much easier to use than Eagle or Kicad, it does not impose a work-flow and don't overwhelm me with functions for things I have no idea what they are.
So far the only thing I'm really missing is a way to place a set of components (typically leds) in a certain regular pattern (for example, an array of 8x8 leds in a certain orientation with a certain x and y spacing).
I have already ordered 3 small pcbs, all went well, quality is much better than I could ever done at home, probably not good enough for professional work but for my untrained eyes it looks quite good.