Change the Arduíno

Can I download this software, modify the source code and create my own version? There's some legal restriction?

Can I download this software, modify the source code and create my own version? There's some legal restriction?

Why would you want to do that?
Important Things to Consider
Arduino IDE is written in Java.
There are several different software License in the code.

You would have to read each software license.

Can I download this software, modify the source code and create my own version?

Sure. Here's the source code:

Here's the build instructions:

There's some legal restriction?

The general license for the Arduino IDE code is GPL v2.0, see:

but as artisticforge said, there are different licenses for other components and you'd need to evaluate them as well. If you're just wanting to tinker around with the IDE code for your own personal use then you have nothing to worry about. If you want to distribute the code you will need to make sure to comply with the licenses.

Also, if you want to submit what you've done as a new feature for everyone, you need to create a license for your code, e.g., GPL v2.0, plus conform to the procedures for submitting a new feature.