STM32, Maple and Maple mini port to IDE 1.5.x

Or if worst comes to worst I could repackage the compilor as part of the repo, as its possible to include external zips into a "Release" package
Its kind of hard to know what to do for the best at the moment

Any ideas ??

I will continue to push for a way to add additional boards via the Board Manager and will attempt to build the IDE from source tomorrow (once I sort out my issues with JDK and Ant etc etc)

In the mean time I've updated my Readme and also the wiki and added an issue to say 1.6.2+ is not currently supported

Your approach seems the prudent one at this time. However, from a philosophical perspective, I think that packaging a GUI into the github download is a kiss-of-death. This is what happened to LeafLabs and it makes a quantum jump nearly impossible: just look at the effort you have expended as well as the input from others to get to where we are today. In my mind, there is little choice but to ride out the Arduino/Arduino wars on a version by version basis. has a number of "certified" products, so a methodology will need to be continued to allow them to integrate with the GUI. As long as that door is not closed by 'code signing', I think we should be alright.

Installing "Due" to get the compiler installed does not seem to be a problem, in my thinking. It is always good to have an install done by the GUI so that the rules for installation are proper for the environment. We should be able to live with that requirement.
