Serial Input Basics - updated

Continued from previous Post

Example 3 - A more complete system

The simple system in Example 2 will work well with a sympathetic human who does not try to mess it up. But if the computer or person sending the data cannot know when the Arduino is ready to receive there is a real risk that the Arduino will not know where the data starts.

If you would like to explore this, change the end marker in the previous program from \n to > so that you can include the end marker in your text for illustration purposes. (You can't manually enter a Newline character in the text you are sending from the Serial Monitor). And put the line ending back to "No line ending"

Now, with the revised code send qwert> and you will see that it behaves exactly the same as when you were using Newline as the end marker.

But if you try this asdfg>zxcvb you will only see the first part "asdfg". And then if you send qwert> you will see "zxcvbqwert" because the Arduino has become confused and cannot know that it should have ignored "zxcvb".

The answer to this problem is to include a start-marker as well as an end-marker.

// Example 3 - Receive with start- and end-markers

const byte numChars = 32;
char receivedChars[numChars];

boolean newData = false;

void setup() {
    Serial.println("<Arduino is ready>");

void loop() {

void recvWithStartEndMarkers() {
    static boolean recvInProgress = false;
    static byte ndx = 0;
    char startMarker = '<';
    char endMarker = '>';
    char rc;
    while (Serial.available() > 0 && newData == false) {
        rc =;

        if (recvInProgress == true) {
            if (rc != endMarker) {
                receivedChars[ndx] = rc;
                if (ndx >= numChars) {
                    ndx = numChars - 1;
            else {
                receivedChars[ndx] = '\0'; // terminate the string
                recvInProgress = false;
                ndx = 0;
                newData = true;

        else if (rc == startMarker) {
            recvInProgress = true;

void showNewData() {
    if (newData == true) {
        Serial.print("This just in ... ");
        newData = false;

To see how it works try sending qwerty<asdfg>zxcvb and you will see that it ignores everything except "asdfg".

In this program you will notice that there is a new variable called recvInProgress. This is necessary because a distinction needs to be made between unwanted characters that arrive before the start marker and the valid characters that arrive after the start marker.

This version of the program is very similar to the Arduino code in this Python - Arduino demo.

How it works

It is important to notice that each time the function recvWithEndMarker() or recvWithStartEndMarker() is called it reads whatever characters may have arrived in the serial input buffer and places them in the array receivedChars.

If there is nothing in the buffer recvWithEndMarker() does not waste time waiting.

In the case of recvWithStartEndMarker() all characters are discarded until the start-marker is detected.

If the end-marker has not yet arrived it will try again when loop() next repeats.

For best results it is important to ensure that loop() can repeat as quickly as possible - hundreds or even thousands of times per second.

How many characters can be received?

In the examples I have assumed that you will not need to receive more than 32 bytes. That can easily be altered by changing the value in the constant numChars.

Note that the 64 byte size of the Arduino serial input buffer does not limit the number of characters that you can receive because the code in the examples can empty the buffer faster than new data arrives.

Things that are not used in the examples

You will notice that the examples here do not use any of these Arduino functions

All of these are blocking functions that prevent the Arduino from doing something else until they are satisfied, or until the timeout expires. The examples here do exactly the same job without blocking. That allows the Arduino to do other things while it is waiting for data to arrive.


I don't recommend using this function - I prefer to deal with the Serial data when it suits me. It behaves just as if you had this code as the last thing in loop().

if (Serial.available() > 0) {

Clearing the input buffer

It is probably worth mentioning that the poorly named Serial.flush() function does not empty the input buffer. It is only relevant when the Arduino is sending data and its purpose is to block the Arduino until all outgoing the data has been sent.

If you need to ensure the Serial input buffer is empty you can do so like this

while (Serial.available() > 0) {;

Continued in next Post
