GPS U-Blox Neo M8N parser

would like to see if I can squeeze out more info from the Ublox, for example number of satellites

Yes, the number of satellites can be obtained with the standard NMEA messages (proprietary PUBX messages not required). If you look at this table, you can see all the fields that are available from standard NMEA messages.

and whether there is a RTK fix between Base and Rover.

NeoGPS does not parse RTCM messages that (might?) contain this information. There is a status field in the standard NMEA message GGA that indicates the device has a differential fix (see the "Fix Quality" field #6, in section 29.2.4 of the ublox NEO-M8 Protocol Specification).

There are 2 new values for this field in the NEO-M8 device: RTK_FIXED and RTK_FLOAT. These would not be recognized by NeoGPS, but I would consider adding them if that is what you are looking for.

Any suggestions?

Yes, attach the INO file to your post, if you modified it. And instead of embedding an image of the error messages, press the "Copy Error messages" button in the IDE and paste the text into your post, in between
** **[code]...[/code]** **
tags (like it was code), so...

  it looks 
    like this.

Otherwise, I think the error message is telling you exactly what to do.
