Decoding RF signal from Ambient Weather Thermo-Hygrometer


I'm in trouble with these chinese f007th transmitters.
I have 2 ones, ordered from ebay about ~8 USD.

This sketch won't works for me.
I want to implement the code for Pinchange interrupt.

The data receiving and manchester encoding works very well, but i'm stucked this point.
The problem is the data decoding.

The data allocation in the bytes doesn't match this format.
I have decoded the Channel data and that's all. Somebody could help me?

The first byte 0x45 is ok, the 2nd the random byte after reset, and the next is other than this sketch.
the channel number is in the 3rd byte 4. 5. 6. bits in reveresed direction!
I can't figure out the temp and humidity datas. Dare don't think about the checksum byte.

Here is the raw datas. First line HEX data , 2nd the temp and humidity, 3rd the binary data.
All measurement are CH1. I trim the strings to fit in 1 line in the forum.
Experienced that after battery reset i usually catch 6 bytes for the first time. The next byte number are usually 14.

45 E1 41 EC A9 A6 E0 FF 8A C2 83 D8 53 4D
23.1 41%
1000101 11100001 01000001 11101100 10101001 10100110 11100000 11111111 10001010 11000010

45 E1 41 1C A8 6B E0 FF 8A C2 83 38 50
23.2 43%
1000101 11100001 01000001 00011100 10101000 01101011 11100000 11111111 10001010 11000010

45 E1 41 9C 68 B4 E0 FF 8A C2 83 38
23.2 43%
1000101 11100001 01000001 10011100 01101000 10110100 11100000 11111111 10001010 11000010 10000011 00111000

45 C5 40 62 68 6D E1 FF 8A 8A 81 C4 D0 DA
24.7 45%
1000101 11000101 01000000 01100010 01101000 01101101 11100001 11111111 10001010 10001010

45 C5 40 B2 B5 D3 E0 FF 8A 8A 81
25.5 91%
1000101 11000101 01000000 10110010 10110101 11010011 11100000 11111111 10001010 10001010

25.3 45%
1000101 11000101 01000000 11010010 01101001 11001001 11100000 11111111 10001010 10001010

25.3 94%
1000101 11000101 01000000 00110010 11110100 10000000 11100001 11111111 10001010 10001010

25,3 95%
1000101 11000101 01000000 11010010 11110101 00010011 11100001 11111111 10001010 10001010

25,3 96%
1000101 11000101 01000000 11010010 00001101 10011000 11100000 11111111 10001010 10001010

25,4 93%
1000101 11000101 01000000 10110010 10001100 11010000 11100000 11111111 10001010 10001010