How can one load an ino file from Arduino IDE into Eclipse/Sloeber ?

Aaahh! That wasn't too difficult :slight_smile:

In the meantime I have also learned how to include all those other missing libraries; ok.

But now I am stuck at the next issue: My Arduino-IDE developed sketch has additional 4 sub-sketches, all of the *.ino type, which are opened as additional tabs in the A-IDE, and somehow magically use the includes and definitions of the main sketch.

I have brought them into the Eclipse/Sloeber-IDE via File-->Import and also via Arduino-->Add a source folder ... (both commands seem to be doing the same thing?), but now they are in the project, but eclipse has no idea what to do with them. I am getting errors like:

Which is not surprsing, because initDisplay is one of the functions in those other sketches.

How do I make Eclipse aware of of those other *.ino files?

they should all be in the root of the project. paste them there as complete files or drag and drop them there

Screenshot from 2019-10-19 16-48-52.png

Screenshot from 2019-10-19 16-48-52.png