robotic movement using genetic algorithm and ardunio

I need create robotic movement using genetic algorithm and ardunio

you can get the idea

just simple learning and move algorithm

I need code help

you can get the idea

No. YOU watch the movies, and then you write up some requirements.

just simple learning and move algorithm

"I don't know how to do it, so it must be simple". Just how did you arrive at THAT conclusion?

I need code help

You need more that.

There are a lot of people here who enjoy helping out with code. So you came to the right place.

Videos of other people's work do very little to help us understand what help you need with code.

Usually, you post your code that represents your best effort at meeting your goals.
Describe what you expect your code to do.
Then describe what actually happens and how that differs from your expectations.

All of the videos you linked to had working robots. All of the hardware was there, ready to walk. Then the designers added the 'learning' elements to the algorithm.

Do you have a working robot?


i am new . i need simple robotic movement using genetic algorithm . no need complex movement. just simple walking or balance,. i know genetic algorithim but i dont know how apply it arduino code .

I see some conflicting pieces of information.

just simple walking or balance

Balance is not simple. A balancing wheeled robot is a challenging project. Very doable, but a challenge.
A balancing walking robot is much more involved.

But the videos you linked to are not balancing robots. They are 4 or 6 legged walkers. They are all robots that are capable of walking.

I think that your starting point should be like what they started with. A robot capable of walking. To make that, you need to make a walking robot. After you have that, then take out the part that knows how to walk and put in your learning algorithm.

Pick a model. It can be a kit or you can make your own. Learn enough about the arduino to make the servos move. Use that to write code to make the model walk. This is a very important step. It confirms that your design is capable of walking. It confirms that the servos are strong enough to lift the model off the ground (not always a given). It confirms that your power supply will be usable in your genetic experiments.

Then take out the walking knowledge and put in your genetic piece. I will admit that I do not know what is involved in this step. But I assume that is what you want to experiment with.

There's also another hole in what you're asking. You say you know about genetic algos, and that you need help with the coding. But before you do that you need to clarify in your mind and explain here, exactly how you anticipate a GA being a part of your robot.

In parallel with that, I would be inclined to put the specifics of the robot aside, and write a standalone GA sketch to find the maximum of some simple mathematical function in some range. That way, you can find the maximum analytically or graphically, and test your GA code against an expected result to see if it works.

Then you may be able to convert that GA sketch into a function which you would use in your robot code.

Kawdoco, I keep on clicking on the video links, but nothing happens. Why is that?

Kawdoco, I keep on clicking on the video links, but nothing happens. Why is that?

I suspect you're being disingenuous and know why: they're not links just text. It's your way of telling OP to make them links. Easier just to say "OP, make those links".

Nevertheless, easy enough to just swipe, right click, go....

I read this forum mainly on my phone. I have problems with people, who make it easy for themselves and difficult for others, from whom they expect help.

I have problems with people, who make it easy for themselves and difficult for others, from whom they expect help.

So no need to be snide: simply say to OP that they should use the chain link icon to make clickable links.

You're right. I know about myself, that I tend to learn better to correct myself, if someone use an ounce of sarcasm or irony to put me straight.

Anyway, Kawdoco, I don't think you need code. You need algorithms, which you turn into code. Perhaps you can create an algorithm yourself.