Standalone Arduino board or Using atmega8 rather than FT232/FTDI chips

Dear brilliants,

I am new in making arduino boards. Currently using ATMega 2560. I want to make a board of my own for small projects.I want to make a USB single side PCB arduino board with ATMega8/16/32(most preferable)/168/328. Is it possible to make a standalone USB arduino with these chips? If yes then can you please give me links of already done projects on this? With PCB design and instruction?

If no, then can you give me links of already done projects with PCB design,drivers and instructions, which used a ATmega8 as USB to Serial converter and ATMega8/16/32(most preferable)/168/328 chip as main MCU for Arduino? like this.

If standalone isn't possible than I want exactly this type of arduino PCB design,driver and instruction.

Thank you,

The ATmega8 doesn't have USB functionality. You would need to either provide a USB-to-TTL converter IC, use one of the AVRs with built-in USB support (like the modern Arduino Uno), or dedicate an ATmega8 to the task using a software USB stack. The last is somewhat of a cheat, since running an AVR at 12MHz just baaaarrely has the power to process low-speed USB bus messages, and can't actually pull off 100% support of the protocol.

Keep in mind, you're getting into components that are likely to require careful design and surface mount skills. If you're looking for reference designs, cool. But, if you're not at a skill level to come up with your own, you might be facing a steep learning curve. Not impossible by any means, but you'll need to consider what it's worth.

Yes i know atmega8 does not have USB functionality. But it can use VUSB, like a dedicated atmega8 for the task of converter. Actually in my country ATMega8 is cheap than USB-to-TTL converter IC. One question more, Will metaboard work better than using atmega8 as a converter?

I have experience with design,PCB fabrication and surface mounting. I hope this will not be a problem. I am looking for reference designs because to make it instantly and reference designs are also mostly tested by the designers. So it is better to make them until we are not going for production for sell. I believe i have the skill level to design my own. But just to make things easy and fast, now i want a reference design.

By the way thank you for your reply.

Why not use the Arduino Leonardo as your reference design?

Take a look here,
I think this has Atmega8 design for USB/Serial adapter such as this

Try this too

Crossroads , thank, but i saw those things. I have USBasp burner. Was not looking for those things. Just looking for a arduino board that will use USB and and will use cheap priced components.

DC42 : thank buddy. But in our country still we don't have that much option to use double sided PCB at home. Though i can make but it will cost more, may be it will not be that much perfect. And also SMD packages are not available that much, if available, price of those are high. Thats why looking for DIP package single sided PCB design. At low cost. My main target is to make it as much cheap as possible.

Maybe something like this:

Please state more clearly what you want to do.
Your statement would lead us (me, anyway) to believe you want to combine the Atmega8 as USB/Serial interface on a board with Atmega32 as the Arduino processor.
And now you want to do that on a single sided board?
What other requirements do you wish to implement?

Yes sir, you wrote exactly what i want. In addition i want most of the packages will b DIP package not SMD. And you already said atmega8 as USB-serial converter and 32 as main arduino processor. Thats it. :slight_smile:

If you happen to find an existing firmware image that does USB-to-serial on an ATmega8, I would love to know. I haven't looked, but that would be useful. Not so useful to go to the trouble of writing the code myself just yet though. :wink:

I built this guy's project to hook up NES/SNES controllers via USB. The physical interface portion would be useful to you, although it's hardly difficult to come by, so you've probably seen it or variations thereof if you've been looking at software USB stacks. It works a treat.

Take a look at V-USB,
You will need to customize it for USB-to-serial conversion.

Or you could just use this, it's already been done, AVR-CDC
(Edit: I just realized this is the same as the link @Erni pointed out)
Note: their design is for 3.3V operation, but you can use it 5V with proper data level conversions instead. See solution B, Hardware Considerations - V-USB, which is what your USBasp device does.

Thanks all. I will go for AVR CDC using atmega8 and atmega32 as arduino chip. If anyone can give me already done project on this with PCB will be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Huh, missed CrossRoads' post earlier.

Looks like AVR CDC is taking some liberties with the USB spec, beyond those already taken by V-USB. They mention problems with USB 2.0 hubs plugged into USB 2.0 ports that require compromises in the driver, for instance. Neat project, but quite a hack to make it work. Although, for pure through-hole, I don't know how many other options you would have.

I think I would stick to the AVRs with on-board USB, if that were at all a possibility.

I have found SunDuino v1.6 by blue_17

Check out this guys. I have the PCB design. What about the bootloader? I didn't find it there. Should i use Arduino bootloaders for target chip?Or any other specific bootloader needed for this board?

The CDC-232 AVR-CDC doesn't work in win7 X64 systems! can't install the driver.

Is this project somehow related to the application of CDC 232?

No FTDI needed for uploading sketches as well as viewing serial monitor. Interesting project. Tihinking of giving it a try.