Assembly Language Programming of Arduino

I've seen a few post of persons wanting to code in assembly and not much help being found. If you want to code in Assembly, use Atmega IDE to code, use AVRDUDE to load the .HEX file generated to the arduino. The Arduino IDE will show you the basics of using AVRDUDE. Note: I use the Arduino IDE for lots of concept stuff and to load my code onto other MCUs using Aruino as ISP, &c. The Arduno platform is a blessing to us all, but I refuse to develop interrupt intensive codes using the C, C++ compiler.

The Arduno platform is a blessing to us all, but I refuse to develop interrupt intensive codes using the C, C++ compiler.

The few times I have looked at the Assembler code produced by the GCC compiler I figured I could not do any better myself, even if I was prepared to spend all the time necessary.


use Atmega IDE to code

I've never heard of the "Atmega IDE". Would you mind posting a link to it?

I use the Arduino IDE for lots of concept stuff and to load my code onto other MCUs using Aruino as ISP, &c. The Arduno platform is a blessing to us all, but I refuse to develop interrupt intensive codes using the C, C++ compiler.

Did you know that the Arduino IDE also supports assembly? Just add a tab to your sketch with the .S file extension and it will be compiled as assembly: