Problem debouncing multiple buttons

I'm not sure what you are asking. The array buttonNumber[ i ] has the numbers 0-7 in it and never changes. The loop cycles through 0-7.

for(int i=0; i<8; i++) //loops through 0 - 7
cleardebounce(); //clears debounces variables
debounce(buttonNumber[ i ]); //debounces input pin i and saves that value into buttonlook[buttonNumber] / buttonlook[i]
if(buttonlook==1) //if that button was pressed it does the corresponding action in the switch case

The LCD.setX(); and LCD.setY() are the same commands I've been using. When I had the delays in my program they worked and displayed text, I then changed all the delays in the code and left the LCD.setx, LCDsety, LCD.printStr, and LCD.printNum the same. That's when the commands stopped working. If i put a delay(50) after the LCDprintStr it works.