Arduino Uno ds18b20 and sure 2416 dor matrix display

jhon thank you so much now with your details I've understand the meaning of it

I've changed the code here

float temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

char buffer[10];
// itoa(temp,buffer,10);
dtostrf(temp, 5, 2, buffer);
ht1632_putchar(6 , 8, buffer[0]);
ht1632_putchar(12 , 8, buffer[1]);
ht1632_putchar(18 , 8, buffer[2]);
ht1632_putchar(24 , 8, buffer[3]);
ht1632_puttinychar(32 , 8, 'o');
ht1632_putchar(37 , 8, 'C');

now works perfectly

many thanks