simple serial issue

to macegr:
I tried listening to the COM-port using hyperterminal, but of course the result is the same as when listening to the line via the arduino serial monitor. IE. no extra (garbled) stuff from the GPS were to be found. No matter whether it was the arduino or the FTDI chip that handled the incomming data from the GPS, it would be the PC that received it. And it doesn't.

I also removed my own "while (true)" loop in case it caused problems. It didn't change anything. I also found out that "void loop()" function loops by itself, so no use for my own while loop.

to westfw:
I always try both options, just in case.

I tried the SoftwareSerial. No luck. Then I tried connecting the GPS to the PC. No luck either. I'm starting to suspect that my GPS is somehow defective. Tomorrow I'll try with its original cable, just for a good measurement, but I'm too tired to search for that now.
Sleep well!