CDI tester project

The idea was to not have a HV charge pulse when the SCR was firing as this was in effect a short but the HV source is high impedance so it may not matter.

Yes, I remember this from the initial project. If its important, we can make the barwidth a factor in the timing of the charge pulses and delay the first one. There seems to be plenty of room.

//5 pulses of 30 degrees starting at 60 degrees
//ON at 60,120,180,240,300 = 2,4,6,8,10
//OFF at 90,150,210,270,330 = 3,5,7,9,11

If I set the pulseWidth from 10 to 5 will this be read correctly?

Yes. The pulse width in degrees gets converted to timerTicks and then to an actual time based on rpm.

timerTopValue = 15000000UL / RPM;
  timerTicksPerDegree = timerTopValue / 360;
  pulseWidthTime = pulseWidth * timerTicksPerDegree;

  //convert pulseWidthTime in timer ticks to microseconds
  //prescaler 8 = 4us/timer tick
  delayPeriodStart = micros() + pulseWidthTime * 4;

I am having a problem programming a arduino I have to run your code, have forgotten what model it is!!

I sometimes don't know what day it is, so don't feel bad. :wink: