New design Mega2560 board with all pins and DC-DC 5v x 5A


The third board has own size 64x96mm and have:

  1. Simple details for light-doides 3mm, DC-DC converter on low-cost details condensers, diodes, coil - this demand more space;
  2. Pins on the sides:
    up (left to right) : ADC 0..15 with AREF. Each pin road has ground roads up to chip Mega2560. Right block: PCint9..15 that no present on the traditional Mega board and UART3, UART1;
    left (down to up): I2C x 2 pin, SPI pins, Vin, Reset, UART0, UART2.
    down (left to right): Timer1, Timer0, Timer2, Timer3, Timer4, Timer5 pins only.
    right: has only expansion SRAM interface with additional pins from address-latch register (on board too) A0..A7. In this interface you may connect small expansion SRAM directly.