MKR 1300 power consumption too hight

Hi Tirititelu,

The sleep() function in the MKRWAN.h does nothing. The mkrwan-1300fw is supposed to sleep the Murata module when it is idle.

I have achieved 1.16mA during sleep. Im my view this is still two orders of magnitude too high to be useful for a battery operating application.

At the moment I suspect that the Murata firmware isn't actually sleeping properly. Unfortunately, I do not know why.

There is a line of code in wiring.c (see below) in the Arduino library that sets all the IO pins to floating inputs. You need to comment out the pinMode line.

// Setup all pins (digital and analog) in INPUT mode (default is nothing)
for (uint32_t ul = 0 ; ul < NUM_DIGITAL_PINS ; ul++ )
pinMode( ul, INPUT ) ;

I am unsure of what the quiescent current of the LDO regulator is and haven't been able to track down which regulator is used as the schematics use a generic name and not the actual part number.

I apply 3.3V to the Vin (Vbatt) pins.