No option to select port (Mac OS, Leonardo)

The dialog to select the board says you also have to select the port but there's no option to. As a result I cannot upload to the board or monitor it. See the attachment.

  • Mac OS 10.12 beta
  • Arduino Leonardo

Hi @fokkezb,
when you connect a board to your computer it should be detected automatically and shown in the dropdown. If you see no ports in the modal it means the Plugin is not talking to the web app. Do you see a yellow warning message on the toolbar area?

I see you are using Sierra, until it comes out of the beta we don't officially support it (we need to wait for the people who develop the opensource plugin installer to add it).

Thanks for your report!

Hi @fokkezb,
please try again cause we have added support for Sierra, which launches tomorrow. Let us know if you still have problems connecting to the boards.

I have the problem


Rather than simply jumping into an OLD topic May i suggest you READ THIS POST FIRST.

Then you can add all the details that you hijack is missing in a brand new post of your own.
