Kit Ramps 1.4 Driver A4988 Arduino Mega Burned


connect a 12V 30A source to an Arduino Mega with Ramps Kit and it almost immediately burns.

I checked if the source was delivering a lot of voltage
but when reviewing it seems to be all right

Anyone know what might be happening

IS the only way to verify your kit assembly to just power it up?


IS the only way to verify your kit assembly to just power it up?


I checked the arduino previously connecting it only to usb and it worked fine

burned when connected to the ramps and the 12V 30A source

IF the output voltage really is 12v AND IF the 12v is properly connected to an input that is designed for 12v then the fact that it can provide 30 amps is irrelevant - the Arduino etc will only draw the current it needs.

My guess is there is a wiring fault somewhere - perhaps even as simple as connecting positive to negative.

But check the output voltage with your multimeter just to be sure it is 12v.
