New ArduinoOTA library for SAMD, nRF5 and ATmega with >=64kB flash. update: RP2040, STM32F1

This library allows to update sketch over WiFi or Ethernet.

It is an enhancement of the Arduino WiFi101OTA library

Supported networking libraries are: Ethernet, WiFi101, WiFiNINA, WiFiLink, UIPEthernet

remote upload from IDE with SDStorage or InternalStorage

Arduino SAMD boards are supported 'out of the box'.

ATmega boards require to flash a modified Optiboot bootloader for flash write operations.

hope for the support of STM32 soon. and maybe a support for WiFiEsp(AT) library.

available in Library Manager


esp8266 and esp32 support added for 1.0.1

before you ask :-). to upload over Ethernet or UIPEthernet, but it works with native WiFi too
uploads SPIFFS as well

How do I connect samd based boards to esp8266 for wifi ota?

How do I connect samd based boards to esp8266 for wifi ota?

on Serial1 with WiFiLink or WiFiEspAT library

thanks for the reply.. so does it mean I can upload sketches to SAMD boards using esp8266 as wifi OTA?

Basically what I want to do is, I have a nodemcu board and a custom made ATSAMD21G18a based board (an arduino m0 clone). I want to upload arduino sketches to said board using nodemcu as wifi OTA running WIFIlink firmware. I figured that's what this library is supposed to do. right? :confused:

So, I wish to know how would I connect the two boards together to achieve the desired result and what board would I select in arduino "boards" option.

I hope that makes sense.


thanks for the reply.. so does it mean I can upload sketches to SAMD boards using esp8266 as wifi OTA?

Basically what I want to do is, I have a nodemcu board and a custom made ATSAMD21G18a based board (an arduino m0 clone). I want to upload arduino sketches to said board using nodemcu as wifi OTA running WIFIlink firmware. I figured that's what this library is supposed to do. right? :confused:

So, I wish to know how would I connect the two boards together to achieve the desired result and what board would I select in arduino "boards" option.

I hope that makes sense.


the ArduinoOTA library is based on Arduino WiFi101OTA library

ArduinoOTA now supports RP2040 with

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ArduinoOTA now supports STM32F1xx with the STMicroelectronics core.
I tested with BluePill with 128kB flash.

5 posts were split to a new topic: ArduinoOTA with Ethernet on BluePill