Timing of various functions on ATMEGA 328P chip (Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, etc) [stub]

Four cycles at 16MHz?

Dream on

What am I doing wrong?

I run this code:

#include <digitalWriteFast.h>
#define PIN 14
void setup()
volatile byte pin;
pinModeFast(PIN, INPUT);
pinModeFast(PIN, OUTPUT);
digitalWriteFast(PIN, LOW);
digitalWriteFast(PIN, HIGH);
pin = digitalReadFast(PIN); // save a proper high/low value
void loop()
volatile int myVal;
digitalWriteFast(PIN, HIGH);
digitalWriteFast(PIN, LOW);
//myVal = tan(6000);
and get 500nS between the start of digitalWrite events (refer to attached image)

Then run this code:
#include <digitalWriteFast.h>
#define PIN 14
void setup()
volatile byte pin;
pinModeFast(PIN, INPUT);
pinModeFast(PIN, OUTPUT);
digitalWriteFast(PIN, LOW);
digitalWriteFast(PIN, HIGH);
pin = digitalReadFast(PIN); // save a proper high/low value
void loop()
volatile int myVal;
digitalWriteFast(PIN, HIGH);
digitalWriteFast(PIN, LOW);
myVal = tan(6000);

and get 750nS between the start of digitalWrite events (refer to attached image)

Since the only difference is whether or the myVal = tan(6000); (and time is same even if it is tan(1)) that means that the action of myVal = tan(6000); took exactly 250nS;

How else would you explain this?

