Which operating system do you use and why?

Thank you for the information and the links. Already head toward Linux, I decide to take the plunge and try it out. I know when I first looked at Linux there was very little support from the vendors. Now in the new century there is a lot of support that I see.

Question, It was mention that the CD version was better than stick. It is worth the $35.00 for a CD drive or not. My laptop has no drive.

Aw maybe I should just get one. Never know when I might have to get one any way.

It's not "better" just easier, if your computer already has a DVD drive. Since it doesn't, I'd just look up to make sure my computer can boot from a flash drive (I'm sure yours can, but you might just google the computer model just in case) and then just format a Flash drive for booting.

Here are very detailed instructions on Ubuntu's site.

by the way this is a good example what is meant by support, since these instructions would be exactly the same for booting any other Linux from a flash drive - but every other Linux might not have these instructions prepared for you, as Ubuntu does. the documentation and support is great.