Arduino USB Host Shield


I write here because I have a similar question like CodeCage. I am working in a project using [USB_Host_Shield_2.0 library]. I connect my host shield and Arduino MEGA (both official) with a customized USB Hub Device (Device Class Interface: HID (0x03) and FullSpeed) which just sends 64B packages. I just want to watch on Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE the data buffer that the device send, so I have been studying HIDUniversal and HIDComposite library (and all their hereditance) for several months and using [USBHIDMultimediakbd.ino] example (I used others before to study them).
I try to modify this example for my purpose.

My question is: What variable contains the buffer of data that Device sends?
It seems to my that there are two variables that could contain all the buffer: buf from hiduniversal.Init or hidcomposite.Init and data from Usb.InTransfer .

And like CodeCage said... There is not a real documentation, all they have was made with virtual engines of GitHub that are useful to learn about the hereditance, but not to learn how use their functions properly.

I trust somebody knows more about the operating profit of the library's variables.

Thanks a lot!
