Accurate altitude initiating

Nope. In high resolution mode, +/- 1 Pa, or about +/- 8 cm at low elevations.

You are dreaming if you think you can do better with consumer grade sensors. Good luck!

If so that's a good sensor that can solve the problem,
but I've read the documentation of this sensor at this site:
and this is what is written there:

Paccrel Relative accuracy over
2. Characterization data. Parameter not tested at final test
P = 800 to 1100 hPa
T = 25°C ± 0.1 hPa

as you can see it's 10 pascals of inaccuracy and not 1 Pascal, maybe this document that isn't reliable
but if you found something that suggests only 1 unit of Pascal inaccuracy like you said, please let me know