Differences on DS18B20 resolution


Let us get clarified the meaning of 'Resolution' in the context of DS18B20 Temperature Sensor.

1. There is a programmable ADC (analog-to-digital converter) inside the DS18B20 sesnor. We can command the sensor to take a sample of 'input (how warm it is) signal' and convert it into 9-bit or 10-bit of 11-bit or 12-bit which is later on presented in 0C unit.

2. The following diagram (taken from the data sheets of the sensor) tells about the bit pattern of the ADC value.


**(1)** The Fig-1 says that the temperature value has two parts -- integer part and the fractional part. This is to say that the temperature is a floating point number (simply float). In Fig-1, the decimal point (the . symbol) is not shown/included; but, it is understood and it is located just after this: 2<sup>0</sup> and before this: 2<sup>-1</sup>. There is also a sign (S) bit which (when assumes Logic-High state) represents -ve temperature. (The float value is encoded in 2's complement form and not in binary32 format.)

**(2)** In Fig-1, we observe that there are upto 4 digits that we can include after the decimal point and these are: 2<sup>-1</sup>, 2<sup>-2</sup>, 2<sup>-3</sup>, and 2<sup>-4</sup> with respective positional values of: 0.5<sup>0</sup>C, 0.25<sup>0</sup>C, 0.125<sup>0</sup>C, and 0.0625<sup>0</sup>C.

**(3)** Now, the meanings of setting up 'Resolution' to 9-bit, 10-bit, 11-bit, and 12-bit' stand as:
**(a)** 9-bit: 
1-bit for sign, 7-bit for integer part, and 1-bit for fractional part (1-digit after decimal point) 

Temperature range: xxx.0<sup>0</sup>C to xxx.5<sup>0</sup>C in 0.5<sup>0</sup>C discrete step.

The command to present this float temperature (dsTemp) of 1-digit precision (number of digit after the decimal point) when the ADC Resolution is 9-bit. 
Serial.print(temp, 1); //temp must be in float; 2nd argument 1 refers 1-digit precision

(Let us observe that there is subtle difference between precision and resolution.)

**(b)** 10-bit: 
1-bit for sign, 7-bit for integer part, and 2-bit for fractional part (2-digit after decimal point) 
Temperature range: xxx.00<sup>0</sup>C to xxx.75<sup>0</sup>C in 0.25<sup>0</sup>C discrete step.

The command to present this float temp:
Serial.print(dsTemp, 2);

**(c)** 11-bit: 
1-bit for sign, 7-bit for integer part, and 3-bit for fractional part (3-digit after decimal point) 
Temperature range: xxx.000<sup>0</sup>C to xxx.875<sup>0</sup>C in 0.125<sup>0</sup>C discrete step.

The command to present this float temp:
Serial.print(dsTemp, 3);

**(d)** 12-bit: 
1-bit for sign, 7-bit for integer part, and 4-bit for fractional part (4-digit after decimal point) 
Temperature range: xxx.0000<sup>0</sup>C to xxx.9375<sup>0</sup>C in 0.0625<sup>0</sup>C discrete step.

The command to present this float temp:
Serial.print(dsTemp, 4);

Hope that the issue is clear!

**The Test Codes:** (tested in UNO)

#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2  //DPin-2 of UNO at signal terminal

OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
float dsTemp;

void setup(void)
 sensors.begin();      //initialize One-Wire Sensor -- DS18B20

void loop(void)
 sensors.setResolution(9);  //before each measurement, set resolution
 sensors.requestTemperatures();  // Temp conversion command; waiting here until comversion is done
 dsTemp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);  //read temp data from Sensor #0 and convert to celsius float

Serial.println(dsTemp, 1);  //1-digit precision
 //Serial.println(dsTemp, 2);  //2-digit precision
 //Serial.println(dsTemp, 3);  //3-digit precision
 //Serial.println(dsTemp, 4);  //4-digit precision
 delay(1000);    //sample temperature at 1-sec interval
