Translation help

As requested here
Here is the list of phrases I need translating:-

  1. This is the stand of Grumpy Mike, that's me

  2. I don't speak Italian so I made this

  3. Thank you for visiting my stand

  4. Come and make your own Dinosaur

  5. Place the cards one at a time on the box to make the creature you want

  6. The reader must see no card before it sees a new card

  7. They are RFID cards, the sort that let you through secure doors
    8 ) Dinosaurs and people do not mix - they were never on Earth together
    9 ) I don't know if it permitted to laugh at an old man in a dress these days

  8. Place the tokens on the pegs, the peg will light up red when the box sees it

  9. The blue lights are what pegs will play if they have a token on them

  10. The token holds the note and what instrument to play it on, the light on the peg determines when that note will be played.

  11. It can play up to four notes at the same time, depending on the mode it is set to

  12. At the moment it is set to a simple sequence of eight with four notes playing at each step

  13. The white marks show what MIDI note number the token holds

  14. Some tokens are percussion

  15. When you fill up all the pegs you understand it is the gaps between the notes that make a tune interesting

  16. Some tokens do not work in all places, try another peg

  17. These tokens are used to get access into buildings

  18. Just put them back anywhere

  19. The idea it to turn out all the light by pressing a lit switch - but any press changes the state of the lights surrounding it depending on if the light pressed is in the centre, corner or middle of a row

  20. You can only press a green light

  21. You can only press a green or red light

  22. You can do the puzzle in this number of turns

  23. It is like the other game but much harder, here you have leave only red lights on, you can press a green or red light

  24. Look at the middle light, it will flash briefly, then you have to press the light of the same colour that appears around it

  25. This just shows patterns of coloured lights

  26. The display is an OLED display only a few Euros from eBay

  27. Yes they are half ping pong balls

  28. Using one finger can sometimes dent the ball please use two or three

  29. Do not hit the switches quickly, it will not help. You have to think what switch to press each time.

  30. My thanks to xxx who provided my Italian voice