[HELP] Launch4j - An error occurred while starting the application.

Hi all, this is my first (but not least) post

I had the same broblem with WIN 7 arduino launch4j problem and i fixed it by doing some simple steps.
As you will notice, when the program starts and trying to run, you CPU lever will go up to 50% or more!
That's because the "infinite loop". Now do these steps exactly. (I have no responsibility so be carefull)

  1. Open the task manager (alt+Ctrl+Del) from keyboard and choose "task manager"

  2. Delete EVERY java* reference you will find there.

  3. Now your CPU level must be under 10% which is OK

  4. Open your C:\users<your user name>\Appdata\Roaming\Arduino and make a backup of preferences.txt in a safe place and then DELETE IT

  5. Now try to run arduino programm again and after succesfully enter, give again the appropriate settings.

Hope these steps helps. (At least they helped me!)

P.S. Don't forget to adjust your WIN 7 preferences to make Appdata dir accessible.