New alternative to the Arduino frontend ?

Do I understand you correctly that this project is to build a database in XML with all the AVR register attributes for all AVR MCUs and to automatically from the database generate a web-based tool for configuration and code generation?

No - there is much information in form of XML files existant in the AVR Studio.
This information is extracted and pushed into an relational database (MySQL).
The hierarchy is simple: AVR -> Peripherals -> Register -> Modes -> Settings

The plan is to use this information to dynamically generate the right register settings for a simple configuration.
The second thing is to get an overview about the differences of the AVR microcontroller.
Let's say it is an enhancement for the avr-gcc.

With the help of Jarkko i hope to get a visual web interface to do this.

What I do not see is how this would be used in general. Could you describe some typical use cases for this type of tool and how it is better or easier that Arduino or other class library approaches (such as my own Cosa project)?

This should not be better or easier as Arduino.
Every frontend or tool has benefits to different requirements.
As i have written this tool should give more comfort to the avr-gcc.
Maybe it can solve some problems to Arduino too?

I have read a little bit about Cosa but i have not understand all details so far.

What is the way the configuration is done?

Which AVR microcontroller do you support?

Can my idea be combined with yours?

This type of tool makes it very easy for anybody that understands all the registers and functions in the AVR MCUs but does not make code more portable, configurable, etc. It does automate some of the initialization code but there is no abstraction of the hardware and there is no support for device drivers, etc.

I am simply searching for a solution to simply configure an USART, Timer and so on.
This should be possible in the same way for different AVR microcontroller.

I don't want to read the datasheet each time and puzzle the bits manually.
I can't understand that there is only a tool for the fuse bits so far.