4 bit bus mode for a LCD


Im currently trying to understand howto communicate with a 2x16 LCD in general in 4 bit bus mode. No code made yet.

Ive read some docs on internet and the specific LCD datasheet itself. (GDM1602k) http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/LCD/GDM1602K-Extended.pdf

I notice from using a LCD library following Arduinoapplication, its possible to manipulate the display both for instructionmode and information mode (text to display) by using only 4 databits (4 digital input pins on arduino) and some for the E-RS and RW command.

What I dont quite understand is howto "mark" the 4 bits sent as either a command (i.e...cursorpos,cleardisplay...) or text to be seen on display (written to dpy ram), as the high nibble or the low nibble(4 bits)?

Thank You in advance for any links or hints to my question.


Look at the LCD library that shows how you do it.

Look at the LCD library that shows how you do it.

Thank You for Your answer. Sorry for the missposting. The forum topics is right above each other :slight_smile:

Ill head over to the libs then.
