Problem with MMA8452Q Accelorometer


I am using MMA8452Q breakout board with Arduino Uno.I downloaded the code from below link --------in that you can see the "download" word highlighted once after you downlaod the library then in that i am using MMA8453_n0m1 datamode.

The connections between the accelorometer and the arduino are made as below
MMA8452 Breakout ------------ Arduino
3.3V --------------------- 3.3V
SDA ----------------------- A4
SCL ----------------------- A5
INT2 ---------------------- D3
INT1 ---------------------- D2
GND ---------------------- GND

My doubt is that *MMA8452Q:Xtrinsic 3-Axis, 12-bit and *MMA8453Q:Xtrinsic 3-Axis, 10-bit Digital accelorometer. So what parameters do i need to vary in the MMA8453Q code to reflect the difference.

Thank u very much