New TFT Extension Library

edit: also the HorSlider and VertSlider functions can they be used as a display? for instance analogRead(A0) map the values from 0-100 then use those as a display?

? What kind of display? They return 0-100 as a percent, so what else do you have in mind?

Updated library with new Gauges (10 Max)

Also all _Draw functions, (TouchButton_Draw, LatchCircle_Draw, TouchTriangle_Draw. . . etc) are now able to have centered text, they don't limit the text to the size of the "button", sorry too much code for that.
See the Latching_Buttons example.

Question for everyone else.
The library is kinda getting out of hand with all the structs, so if anyone has a better alternative, please share it. At first I was thinking of making everything into individual classes, but then everyone would need to drastically modify there sketches to use them. So if anyone has any ideas, please share and I will see what I can do. (64.4 KB)