"Previoius definition of 'class TimerOne'" and creating PWM with Timer1

Thank you for the help! It works now. Reading the signal on Pin 10 works. Now I have connected Pin 9 and Pin 6 by a cable. My current code looks like this:

#include "TimerOne.h"

unsigned long pwm_high = 0;
unsigned long current_t = 0;

volatile byte flag = LOW;

void setup()
	pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(6, INPUT);
	Timer1.initialize(50000); // initialize timer1, and set a 1/2 second period
	Timer1.pwm(9, 128);                // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle

void loop()
	/*if(flag == HIGH)
	 Serial.print(F(": "));
	 flag = LOW;

void callback()
	digitalWrite(10, !digitalRead(10));
	flag = HIGH;

And the output on my Serial Monitor like: 00011X11100000000000000000000000000000000000000000011X1110000

The goal was to actual see the PWM with duty cycle ~25%. But I am not sure how this works. When my timer1 overflows after 50ms so is the period of time for my pwm equal to 50ms right? And 25% of these 50ms should be on HIGH, but it turned out as wrong.