Modulo WiFi+Bt ESP32

Volevo segnalare questo simpatico progetto per ESP32 ... "Run a C Language Interpreter on Your ESP32" ...

I put together a C language interpreter for the ESP32 based boards that allows me to use their built-in file system for persistent program storage, to edit and Interpret my programs within a browser page without needing a compile and upload cycle. Better yet, I built in support for the common I/O Arduino functions such as analogWrite, digitalRead/Write, and supplied highly accurate servo positioning functions. But maybe the best part is that I added a debugger to the Interpreter that supports conditional Debug tracing, and conditional Watch functions that report variable values as the program executes. This article gives credit to those who built tools that I used for the Interpreter and also explains how to use it on your ESP32.

... un qualche pazzo che ha implementato un piccolo interprete 'C' che gira su ESP32 ed al quale ci si interfaccia tramite browser :grin:
